Etsi guide on intellectual property rights
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IPR FAQ. How can I disclose Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) by using the ETSI IPR ONLINE database? Please see the answer (EPO numbering format guide). ANNEX 6: ETSI Intellectual Property Rights Policy ETSI shall establish guidelines for the chairmen of COMMITTEES with respect to ESSENTIAL IPRs. The ETSI IPR Policy and the IPR Guide texts stand as independent documents in their own right. It is reiterated that specific licensing terms and negotiations Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notified NOTE: The ETSI Guide on IPRs is to be found at Dirk Weiler, Chairman of ETSI General Assembly and IPR Special Committee elaborates and proposes necessary changes to the IPR Policy and IPR Guide* A scanned version of the ETSI IPR Licensing Declaration Form signed by the Declarant is available in the ETSI IPR Online Database under "InitDecl". I have
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