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peterson. AutoStrobe™ 490 Strobe Tuner. Instruction Manual. Revised 5-99 for Software Revision 1.03. by. Michael Skubic. © 1998-99 Peterson Electro-Musical Peterson Strobostomp 2 Manual - Peterson Strobe Tuners Published by Guset User, 2015-04-14 22:25:02. Description: peterson Owners Manual Congratulations peterson. Owners Manual. Congratulations on your purchase of the Your new StroboStomp2 pedal tuner is If you are new to strobe tuners, you will. Many of these adjustments are so small that they can only be measured with the incredible 1/10th cent accuracy of your Peterson Strobe Tuner. When a preset Mode SelectThe mode button selects which mode the StroboPlus operates in. Three modes are possible: Strobe Tuner,Audio Tuner, or Metronome (if upgraded). The Not finding an answer? Open a support ticket for personalized support of your Peterson product. Product Manuals. VS-II Instruction Manual English. ManualsBrandsPeterson ManualsGuitar TunersNone · 1 2. Selecting A Preset. NOTE: If none of the parameters are flashing, clicking either the plus or minusCongratulations on your purchase of the Peterson. StroboClip HDTM. Please read through this manual and use the tuner as directed. Strobe Newbie?
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